Pair Charging Station using OCPP format

Below you can find details and examples for each method of paring a Charger between Jedlix and the CPO.

Charger pairing using code issued by the CPO

The Charger pairing endpoint is crucial for Jedlix to link incoming charger data to a specific user. This endpoint allows Jedlix to forward pairing codes to retrieve the Charging Station details.

Use Cases

  • Inform Jedlix of Charging Station details.
  • Link specific Charging Station to a customer.

Endpoint details

URL: POST /v1/cpo/{payload-protocol}/pair

Path parameters:

  • payload-protocol: Specifies the protocol used in the payload (e.g., ocpp1.6, ocpp2.0.1).

Request Body:

  • The paring code that the customer has been presented by the CPO platform, and is entered in the Jedlix interface.

Response Codes:

  • 200: OK
  • 400: Bad Request
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 404: Not found
  • 500: Internal Server Error


Request from Jedlix to CPO to verify the pairing code

POST /v1/cpo/ocpp2.0.1/pair
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <Your_Auth_Token>

  "code": "362821"

Responses from CPO to Jedlix

  • 200: OK - Verification successful
    • Example response body
      "charging_station": {
        "uid": "5f69ad2c0ed5ca86d449cc93",
        "evses": [{
          "evse_id": 1,
          "capabilities": ["CHARGING_PROFILE_CAPABLE"],
          "connectors": [{
            "id": "1",
            "power_type": "AC_3_PHASE",
            "max_voltage": 220,
            "max_amperage": 16
        }, {
          "evse_id": 2,
          "capabilities": ["CHARGING_PROFILE_CAPABLE"],
          "connectors": [{
            "id": "1",
            "power_type": "AC_3_PHASE",
            "max_voltage": 220,
            "max_amperage": 16
          }, {
            "id": "2",
            "power_type": "AC_1_PHASE",
            "max_voltage": 220,
            "max_amperage": 16
  • 404: Not found - Verification failed due to incorrect activation code
      "message": "Incorrect Code, please check the code and try again.",

Charger pairing using code issued by the SCSP

The Charger pairing endpoint is crucial for Jedlix to link incoming charger data to a specific user. This endpoint allows the CPO to forward pairing codes to Jedlix including the Charging Station details.

Use Cases

  • Inform Jedlix of charging station details.
  • Link specific Charging Station to a customer.

Endpoint details

URL: POST /v1/scsp/{payload-protocol}/pair

Path parameters:

  • payload-protocol: Specifies the protocol used in the payload (e.g., ocpp1.6, ocpp2.0.1).

Request Body:

  • The paring code that the customer has been presented in the Jedlix platform, and is entered in the CPO interface.

Response Codes:

  • 200: OK
  • 400: Bad Request
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 404: Not found
  • 409: Conflict
  • 500: Internal Server Error


Request from CPO to Jedlix to verify the pairing code

POST /v1/scsp/ocpp2.0.1/pair
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <Your_Auth_Token>

  "code": "362821",
  "charging_station": {
    "uid": "5f69ad2c0ed5ca86d449cc93",
    "evses": [{
      "evse_id": 1,
      "capabilities": ["CHARGING_PROFILE_CAPABLE"],
      "connectors": [{
        "id": "1",
        "power_type": "AC_3_PHASE",
        "max_voltage": 220,
        "max_amperage": 16
    }, {
      "evse_id": 2,
      "capabilities": ["CHARGING_PROFILE_CAPABLE"],
      "connectors": [{
        "id": "1",
        "power_type": "AC_3_PHASE",
        "max_voltage": 220,
        "max_amperage": 16
      }, {
        "id": "2",
        "power_type": "AC_1_PHASE",
        "max_voltage": 220,
        "max_amperage": 16

Responses from CPO to Jedlix

  • 200: OK - Verification successful
  • 404: Not Found - Verification failed due to incorrect activation code
    	"message": "Incorrect Code, please check the code and try again."
  • 409: Conflict - Verification failed as UID already exists in Jedlix platform