Deleting a user

This guide outlines how to use the Jedlix API to delete a user. Deleting a user is a critical operation that removes all personal data associated with the user, disconnects all assets linked to the account, and cannot be undone.

Endpoint for Deleting a User

To delete a user, the following endpoint is used:


Here, {userId} is the unique identifier for the user you wish to delete.


Before proceeding with deleting a user, make sure you have the following:

  1. Authorization: Ensure that you have proper permissions to perform this action. Generally, you'll need administrative rights.
  2. User ID: Know the userId of the account you want to delete.
  3. Backup: Make sure to back up any important data associated with the user, as the action is irreversible.

Consequences of Deleting a User

When you delete a user using this endpoint, the following will occur:

  • Personal Data: All personal data associated with the user will be permanently deleted. This action cannot be undone.
  • Asset Disconnection: All assets (like electric vehicles, smart home devices, etc.) linked to the user's account will be disconnected.
  • Data Retention: Data that cannot be linked back to the user will remain on the platform for accounting purposes and to maintain visibility on historic platform performance.
  • Reward Payouts: If existing, reward Payout records for the user will also be stored on the platform for accounting purposes, using a double encryption mechanism.