Getting started
Are you looking to connect the chargers in your platform to the Jedlix platform?
Great! You have come to the right place. These guides will provide you with the information needed to integrate with the Jedlix platform. You can find the different ways to onboard a charger and the details to start using our endpoints.
Before you get started, you need to determine whether you would like to use the OCPI or OCPP format to exchange EVSE data and control signals.
Integration steps
Once you have decided for using the OCPI or OCPP formatted messages, you need to perform the following steps to integrate with the Jedlix platform:
Example data
Depending on the chosen method of communication, you can find examples for:
Updated about 1 year ago
Once you have chosen you desired integration method, you need to decide how end-customers can add a charger to the Jedlix platform.