Notification Name | Trigger Action |
ManagedSessionStart | Triggered when the system starts recording a managed charge session. |
ManagedSessionEnd | Triggered when the system concludes the recording of a managed charge session. |
UnmanagedSessionStart | Triggered when the system commences the recording of an unmanaged charge session. |
UnmanagedSessionEnd | Triggered when the system finishes the recording of an unmanaged charge session. |
CarNotFound | Triggered when the system can't find the car, possibly due to its removal from the OEM account. |
CarNotReachable | Triggered when the system is unable to establish communication with the user’s car. |
InvalidCredentials | Triggered when a loss of connection occurs due to invalid OEM account credentials. |
ZeInteractiveToBeActivated | Triggered when a user with a Renault car needs to activate the Ze Interactive service. |
ZeInteractiveCannotBeActivated | Triggered when an error occurs preventing the activation of the Ze Interactive service for a Renault car. |
ZeInteractiveExpiresSoon | Triggered when the Ze Interactive service is nearing its expiration date for a Renault car user. |
ReadyForPairing | Triggered when the system is ready for the user to begin the vehicle pairing process. |
SessionImpossible | Triggered when it’s impossible for the system to achieve the desired SoC during a session. |
PayoutReceipt | Triggered when a user is to receive a payout of their earnings. |
CheckCarActivation | Triggered when the system needs to confirm the activation status of the car. |
ReceivedNoPower | Triggered when the car is not receiving any power. |
ChargingCostReimbursement | Triggered when a user qualifies for a charging cost reimbursement. |
ElexentChargingCostsOverview | Triggered when a user requests or is provided with an overview of Elexent charging costs. |
GeoLocationDisabled | Triggered when geolocation features are disabled on a BMW car. |
AudiNotPaired | Triggered when an Audi car is not linked as either a primary or secondary user. |
AudiPairingNotComplete | Triggered when the pairing process for an Audi car remains incomplete. |
InvalidUtilityContract | Triggered when a previously valid utility contract is invalidated. |
ReconnectUtilityContract | Triggered when a user’s utility contract has expired and requires renewal. |
InvalidCredentialsBanner | Triggered when invalid OEM account credentials result in a loss of connection, displaying an in-app banner. |
MyRenaultAccessRevoked | Triggered when a user unintentionally removes their car from MyRenault. |
AudiRemoteAccessDisabled | Triggered when the privacy mode in an Audi car is activated, blocking remote access. |
AudiRemoteAccessDisabledBanner | Triggered to display a banner informing the user of the enabled privacy mode in an Audi car. |
RenaultWaitingForServiceActivation | Triggered when a service activation request for a user is sent to Renault. |
RenaultReadyForPairingEmail | Triggered to inform a user via email about the successful subscription of service to their Renault. |
RenaultReadyForPairingBanner | Triggered to inform a user via banner about the successful subscription of service to their Renault. |
VolkswagenIdGeolocationCapabilitiesAvailable | Triggered to inform users that geolocation capabilities are now available for Volkswagen ID. |
BMWSmartChargingUnlockedBanner | Triggered to display a banner notifying BMW users that smart charging has been unlocked. |
MiniSmartChargingUnlockedBanner | Triggered to display a banner notifying Mini users that smart charging has been unlocked. |
ImportantUpdateAppv416Banner | Triggered to display a banner advising users to update the app to version 4.16 due to important changes. |
InformationMobilizePdlBenefitBanner | Triggered to display a banner informing users of the benefits from earnings in case of filling PDL. |
AcceptPdlAgreementBanner | Triggered to display a banner prompting users to accept the PDL agreement. |
RemovedGreenchoiceContractBanner | Triggered to display a banner informing users that the Greenchoice contract was removed. |
ReferralCompletedForReferrerBanner | Triggered to display a banner informing users that a referral, on which the user is the referrer, has been completed. |
ReferralCompletedForInviteeBanner | Triggered to display a banner informing users that a referral, on which the user is the invitee, has been completed. |
Updated over 1 year ago