Smart vs Unmanaged sessions
Smart Charging Session
This means that when the user plugged in the electric car to charge, the platform automatically scheduled the charging process to start at the most optimal time when the electricity rates were low and when there was maximum availability of renewable energy. This helped the user save money and reduce their carbon footprint.
Unmanaged Charging Session
This happens when the platform cannot control the charging process. This may have been because the user turned off the smart charging service, the car's current location was not registered as a charging location, or the user's car or charger did not support remote control of the charging process. In this case, the charging process was not influenced by the Jedlix platform, and the service could not help the user benefit from the lowest energy prices or maximize the usage of renewable electricity.
Capabilities required for Smart Charging
If either the Vehicle Position or the Start Stop Charging capability is missing, the charging process will not be managed to prevent unwanted charge process interruptions. The charge session is still registered and charge costs are calculated for the tariffs that apply at the charge location if known. Whether or not a charge session is managed is reflected in the isManaged
parameter when you Retrieves a specific session for a user

Impact of missing capabilities on Smart Charging services
Updated over 1 year ago